How To Set Up A Website: General Guide

A simple, general 3 steps guide to set up your own website or blog. In this post, I will go through the 3 steps needed and share factors you should consider.

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Have We Gotten Tired Of Waiting?

In today's world, we seem to have grown impatient. We can't wait for long and always seeking that instant gratification. I'm worried for myself.

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When I’m Nothing New

I relate a lot to Taylor Swift's song "Nothing New". Sometimes, I have an achievement, but that proud feeling dwindles later on in comparison to others.

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How Much I Spent On My Vietnam Trip

I went to Central Vietnam for a week! This is how much I spent across the various categories: pre-trip expenses, accommodation, transport, food and more.

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I’m Not Very Fond Of Physical Classes

My university resumed fully physical classes. The first week of school just ended and here's some differences I noticed between physical and online classes.

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18 Tips For Travelling In Vietnam

A compilation of tips for travelling in Central Vietnam, on weather, communication, dining, traffic, transport, attractions and what you should be wary of.

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I Cycled In Hoi An, Vietnam

I cycled in Hoi An, Vietnam for a day! Besides learning to adapt to the roads, I also grew more self-aware, so here's me sharing my journey and reflections.

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The Power Of Asking

I discovered the power of asking in 3 situations and realised that it can help us get closer to what we want. Asking is scary, but potentially life-changing!

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