Women In Tech: The Conversation

NUS Computing Club released their new series: “Too Nerdy to Handle”, which showcases different facets of computing students. In this article, I respond to their first episode's questions!

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21 takeaways from 2021

As 2021 draws to a close, it is important to look back at the past year and reflect on how much we have learnt and grown. Here are my 21 takeaways this year...

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Stop Your Pity Party

Self-pity is unhealthy and self-destructive. Here is how I shut down some of my own pity parties and thus regain some power over my life.

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Different Groups, Different Dynamics

During one of my semesters, I took 4 modules, among which 3 had group projects. Interestingly, I found my experience in these 3 groups to be quite different.

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Taking A Closer Look At My Friendships

Friendship has always been important to me. But as I grow from my early childhood to university years, my perspective on friendship keeps changing.

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COVID-19 & Working From Home

Covid-19 and how it has changed our perception on working lives with work from home (WFH) arrangements

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Why I Wanted To Be A Boy

When I was younger, I remembered wondering how much better my life would’ve been if I wasn’t a girl. It took me 20 years to finally be comfortable as a woman.

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To My Younger Self: You Are Enough

I am on my own journey of breaking out of my childhood prison and dealing with stereotypes and expectations, like how to be a girl, daughter, sister and more.

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3 Takeaways From My First SWE Internship

Back in May 2020, I attended my first software engineering internship with a healthcare startup: Jaga-me. My experience was very humbling & enriching, here are my top takeaways!

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