- I’m allowed to feel and express unpleasant emotions such as frustration, distress and anger. I do not have to repress myself.
- Make a choice. Experience. Then make a decision.
- I can change my mind. I don’t have to be stuck to what my past self chose.
- At some point in time, I have to stop playing the blame game. Because the onus is on me to address the issues & problems I’m facing.
- The fear of judgement from others is all in my head.
- I’m not accountable for the version of me that exists in other people’s heads. Expectations and obligations from others do not dictate my decisions and actions, unless I let it.
- I’m not responsible for regulating other people’s emotions. I do not have to carry the weight of their heavy emotions.
- It’s alright if I don’t like or vibe with a “well-liked” person.
- Let people speak. Allow for those moments of silence. That’s how we can exist in each other’s realities.
- Different life stages, not next.
- Go the extra mile in the correct direction. Effort vs value.
- Let things happen. I don’t always have to interject if the situation is not caused by my agency.
- Don’t soften blows unnecessarily for others. I could be enabling them if I did so.
- Grieve is not just for the dead. Grieve follows loss. You can grieve for the loss of someone from your life. who is still very well alive.
- It is easy to speak in retrospect. “If I had known …”, “if only …” but we’ll never know how the alternative path would’ve unraveled.
- Do not delay pain or suffering unnecessarily. If I know the root cause, resolve it as soon as possible.
- What I do does not determine who I am. Instead, I can express who I am through what I do.
- I can try new things, without needing to excel in them.
- The body doesn’t lie. It can only do what it can do (at that moment). But bear in mind: can do now ≠ can always do, cannot do now ≠ can never do. That is both humbling and encouraging.
- Striving for work life harmony requires conscious effort. If we don’t learn to switch our minds off from work, we become prone to experiencing burnout.
- A stressed mind / body will be prone to sickness.
- Just because something is common & considered normal, does not make it alright.
- Travel cannot solve my problems at home.
- If I don’t like it where I am, I can choose to either adapt or change my environment.
If you enjoyed reading this article, have a read at my past yearly takeaways too!
Thank you for reading! Happy new year!