- Never promise my future to anyone other than myself.
- Asking for what I want can be hard. But asking is equivalent to giving myself a chance for a desired outcome.
- Counselling was very eye-opening for me! Being given the space to vocalise my thoughts was liberating for me. Hearing a second opinion from a professional was enlightening too.
- There are no better or worse values, just (very) important and unimportant ones to each individual.
- Self limitation and rejection are big disfavours I do to myself.
- Sometimes I feel trapped by the concept of “filial piety”. “Heck care” is easier said than done.
- Mental hurdles can loom even across physical distance.
- One’s upbringing and family environment plays a major role in one’s outlook on life and the world, but I still believe that one’s own agency will be the ultimate determinant.
- Learn to be okay with people not understanding or agreeing with me.
- Healing one’s inner child can be a lifelong process.
- I cannot rush real change and progress.
- Take it one step at a time — This really helped me when I was trekking the steep hills at Doi Inthanon.
- “Get wet, get dirty, then is real trekking right” – Noppadon, local trek guide. — Power of perspective
- There is no perfect, only good enough or not. E.g., There is no perfect job, just whether a job fits your career aspirations and expectations.
- Pretty privilege is real.
- “Slow is the fastest way to get to where you want”.
- Being comfortable with being on my own is so empowering!
- If I wait for others to be on board with my plans before I carry them out, I may never do as planned. E.g., If I waited for a friend to join me on my graduation trip before really heading off, I may not have traveled since most of my friends had already graduated half a year ago and just started work as fresh graduates.
- I can do many things, but I am not defined by what I do — I am not my job, I am not my hobby.
- Keep trying new things! Because if I never try, I’d never know.
- When I open my heart up to what’s coming my way, I can embrace what’s meant for me.
- Kindness is really all around!
Thank you for reading! May your 2023 be a blast!