Thailand Trip 21D20N Expenses

  • Post category:Travel

For accommodation, transport, food, activities and more

Night Market in Chiangmai | Source: Author

I went to Thailand for 3 weeks and visited Phuket, Khao Sok, Chiangmai and Bangkok! Below is a breakdown of my spending according to the various categories. (Exchange rate used: 1 SGD = 25.9 THB)

Pre-trip expenses


Flights cost table
Flights cost total: $473.97 SGD

Note: Flight tickets were booked 1 month in advance of the trip. I also incurred a $50 fee for changing the departure date for my flight from Bangkok to Singapore because I was careless on the booking page ):

Travel Insurance

Travel insurance cost table
Travel insurance cost total: $39 SGD


Accommodations cost table
Accommodation cost total: $172.56 SGD

Note: I stayed in hostels all the way, mostly in bunk beds in shared dorms. I also incurred a 14 SGD cancellation fee for one of the hostels.

Food, Transport and Miscellaneous

Food, transport and misc cost table
Food, transport and misc cost total: $391.13 SGD

Note: How much you spend on food would depend greatly on location, dining style (street stall, restaurant, or cafe) and menu item ordered. For street food, one meal would generally cost you around 50-100 THB (~ 2-4 SGD). Transport-wise, I mostly walked around. But in Bangkok, I took Grab bikes more often. Miscellaneous items include laundry, detergent, and some souvenirs.

Ascending order of costs by location: Chiangmai, Phuket, Bangkok, Khao Sok


Activities total cost: $240.15 SGD

Note: Other than flights, this is the category that I spent the most on and I was ready to go for these tours when planning my trip.

Summary of Trip Expenses

Trip cost total: $1,316.81

Ending Note

I allocated a budget of $1500 SGD for my Thailand trip, so I’m quite delighted that I kept to it! It’s also quite nice to be able to spend on food without constantly thinking if it’s too expensive, unlike back in Singapore ._.

Thank you for reading!